We've got a lot of work to do to transform the site in to a friendly and inspiring place for people. We'll be putting in basic facilities like toilets and a special building for training and relaxing as well as creating raised beds for disabled growers, small plots for schools and community groups and ploughing up areas to grow vegetables.
The land is already good for wildlife with old hedgerows and fruit trees, but we will be making it even better by planting flowery corridors for bees and butterflies and creating a big pond for frogs and toads. This will make Feed Bristol an even more exciting and special place to visit and the natural balance should mean that our vegetables do not suffer from too many pests and diseases.
We start all this work tomorrow, so watch this space to witness the transformation!
If you want to get involved in this project, please email us at feedbristol@avonwildlifetrust.org.uk
Feed Bristol has been made possible with funding and support from Big Lottery Local Food Scheme, Bristol Green Capital Community Challenge Fund and Bristol City Council.
Really envious of what you are able to do. Had similar ideas for part of a S Glos Council owned smallholding near Thornbury but no funding available and they needed to make a profit from the land to pay for leisure facilities - so it's been sold.