Avon Wildlife Trust staff held a workday on Friday 24th February to begin sorting out the land. This included collecting anything useful that we could reuse like old plant pots and hose pipes and putting them away somewhere safe. We found all sorts of useful things including some ancient weighing scales that will take pride of place in the Feed Bristol Centre when it is completed. The other big job for the day was marking out the buffer zone around the badger sett on the site to make sure no building work or tractor ploughing disturbs the badgers.

We also plan to make sure the area around the badger sett becomes a really good area for wildflowers attracting more bees and other useful insects to the land. It's very important to us that all of the food growing that takes place at Feed Bristol is nature friendly and this includes making space for creatures, like badgers, that might enjoy digging up some of the vegetables we will be trying to grow - we hope to minmise this by making sure their favourite trails are not planted with veg because it would only put temptation in their way!
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